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  1. The materials and services provided on our platforms are exclusively for informational purposes. We emphasize that none of the content on our website is intended to serve as professional advice, whether it pertains to medical, financial, legal, or any other field. OctaSearch bears no responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect consequences resulting from actions taken or not taken based on the information, services, or other materials provided on our platforms.

  2. Your utilization of our platforms, products, and services is undertaken at your own discretion and risk. We provide our platforms and services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. OctaSearch explicitly disclaims all forms of warranties, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

  3. OctaSearch does not assert any representation or warranty regarding the suitability of our platforms, products, or services to meet your specific requirements. We do not guarantee uninterrupted, secure, current, or error-free operation, nor do we warrant that the search results or content obtained from utilizing our platforms, products, and services will be accurate, timely, useful, or reliable.

  4. Any materials acquired through the utilization of our platforms or services are obtained at your sole discretion and risk. You assume full responsibility for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from the download or use of any third-party software or material. OctaSearch explicitly disclaims all warranties pertaining to services provided by third parties.

  5. The full risk associated with the utilization or performance of our platforms, products, and services solely rests with you.